Best Mobile Oil Change Services Toronto

The oil change is the most important factor when it comes to various maintenance services that keep your cars running smoothly. Your engine runs on lubrication from this oil, and changing it frequently will keep your engine in good condition. Let's look at some benefits of changing your car oil regularly.

Here's Why You Need to Change Your Car Oil Regularly

1. Engine Lubrication Is Maintained

Regular oil change ensures that your engine gets the proper lubrication it needs to keep running smoothly. All the moving components, like pistons, valves, and other engine parts move at high speeds and create heat. This will wear down your car engine fast, so it's best to change your car oil every three months or so.

2. It Cools Other Engine Parts

The moving parts of your engine will create friction since they are constantly moving at a high speed. This will also cause the engine to overheat, which can damage the engine and cost you. Maintaining the proper oil in your engine and keeping it clean can prevent this and your maintenance bill would also be lesser.

3. It Removes Any Sludge or Particles

You can't stop your car's engine from getting or accumulating unwanted particles. And the dirt in the oil is the worst part of it. These dirt particles can cause corrosion and shorten the life of your engine. Frequent oil change rids the engine of these dirt particles, thus improving the running of your engine.

4. Short Trips Can Cause the Oil to Break Down

If your car is used for commute where each trip is 10 miles or less, it is recommended to change your oil every 1000 miles or so to keep your engine in peak condition. Short trips don't cause enough condensation, and your engine doesn't heat, causing the engine oil to break down faster.

5. Improves Mileage

If you don't change your car oil regularly, the fuel your car uses will increase. Regular cleaning and oil change can reduce your gas mileage by more than 1%. So, a regular oil change will keep your engine healthy and also reduce your cost of gas.

6. It Saves More in the Long Run

Car maintenance is always good, as it helps keep your car running smoothly and you can save more in terms of repairs later. Taking your car for regular maintenance will also help catch any problems in it before it gets too bad.

7. Extends Engine Lifespan

Your engine faces a lot of wear and tear on a daily bases, such as overheating or friction. This reduces the burden on your engine, thus keeping it running for longer. An engine that works too hard will have more problems down the line. And, a regular oil change can also increase the resale value of your car.

8. Choosing the Right Oil is Important

Synthetic oil is not necessarily the solution to your car troubles. If you're getting your car oil change, your car manual will have the best oil choice for that particular make. Or the car oil will just be printed on the oil cap in your car. If that information is not available, your dealer may be able to advise you which oil is best for your vehicle. Don't use just any cheap oil in the car or it will do you more harm than good.

How Often to Change Car Oil?

Most experts would suggest to get your vehicle's oil changed every 5000 miles or once in every three months, whichever is earlier. But, this is not applicable to every car. Depending on the make and model of your vehicle and your usage, you might need to change the car oil more frequently. Say your car is only used for a daily commute and goes less than 10 miles a day, you need to change your car oil every 1000 miles.


Even though oil change just seems like an unwanted expense, a regular oil change will keep your engine running better, and you will ultimately save more on repairs. To know the best place to get your car oil changed, just look up oil change near me and compare the services and ratings of different places to pick the best. mechanic shops near me is one of the best places to get your car oil change in Toronto.